Agri Solution

Agri Solution

Magnesium is an essential element in the chlorophyll molecule and helps in improving the photosynthetic activities in all type of crops. Being a 100% water soluble form, it is best option to correct Mg deficiencies through foliar & Soil application.

    • Foliar application
      1: 3- 5 gms per per liter of spray solution or depending on crop cover and growing stage in field crops and vegetables or when deficiency symptoms appear.
      2: It can be used in green house crops too during active growth stages for better results.
    • Drip Irrigation– 3 to 5 kg per acre via drip irrigation Repeat the application 2-3 weeks later or as and when required.

Agri Solution is useful and can be applied to all commercial crops including vegetables, tomato, chilly potatoes, onion, grapes, sugarcane, pomegranates, mango, cotton, turmeric, ginger, Banana, Brinjal, Cabbage, Citrus, Cucurbits, Maize, Mango, Rice and oil seed crops.

Agri Solution is compatible with commonly used agrochemicals products, still recommended to perform a compatibility test before mixing any product with it