About Us

Welcome To Sahyadri Biotech

Sahyadri, the name originates from the great Sahyadri mountain range that covers an area of 160,000 km2 in a stretch of 1,600 km parallel to the western coast of the Indian peninsula from Gujarat to Tamil Nadu.
Sahyadri also mentions the fertile deccan plateau, the habitat for millions of farming community for their farming activities.
The driving force for the startup was to encourage and motivate farmers for modern agriculture with scientific views and techniques keeping ancestral roots.
The organization has its foundation roots in October 2006 with a very few scientific apparatuses for basic experiments in a single 10X10 feet room. Since then, the experiments for various product formulae were conducted with series of success and failures. As the aim of our start up was very clear, the products formulated were tested on various crops and locations for their efficacy in terms of benefits in yield and quality of farm produce.
Alongside we conducted various famer meeting and training programs on farms to educate farmers about importance and need of scientific soil and water testing for optimum use of Agri inputs and other resources keeping soil healthy and fertile. 


Preparing ourselves to become a major player in the agro input industry with specific vision in manufacturing organic / botanical origin products for healthy and eternal growth of farmers as well as consumers point of view.


We at Sahyadri Biotech always think soil health, fertility and its conservation on top priority. Our main mission is to make cultivable farms with natural resources for their sustainable fertility along with health and deliverable farm produce for the wellbeing of farmers.

Research & Development

We have established a state of the art well equipped R&D laboratory for futuristic product development in sustainable agriculture.

Testing Laboratory

Sahyadri Biotech has its own well equipped and spacious analytical laboratory for in house as well as for walk in farmers. We offer testing services for soil, water, Plant tissue as well as various organic and inorganic fertilizers samples.



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